Sunday, January 17, 2016

Information Reading and Writing

First graders are reading stories "all about" animals. Our reading text has stories sprinkled throughout the series that teach us about the nature.

Room 4 read all about aquarium fish, where they come from, and how they live in their natural habitat. Our class visits the Monterey Bay Aquarium live via webcams weekly to revisit fish in the Pacific Ocean, our ocean. We have visited the Georgia Aquarium, the largest aquarium in the USA. We learned how hard it is to feed animals from the wild while they are in captivity, how hard it is to keep them happy and healthy. We have also visited via you tube the Great Barrier Reef off Australia, learning how fragile the reef is, and how much sea life it supports. Ridgeview Kindergarten has received a grant for a hydroponic/aquaponic aquarium with live fish and plants. We look forward to learning with kinder kids how the plants help the fish, and the fish help the plants. We will write "all about" what we learn!

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