Thursday, January 18, 2018

Fourth Grade Reading Buddies

Rooms 4 and 16 are Reading Buddies this year.  Fourth graders meet us in the gym 2x a month to share writing and story time. Our partners listen to us read our latest writing, and they read library books to us. What a wonderful experience for both groups of kiddos!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Whale Connections

This morning as we gathered around the carpet because B. and C. started getting excited! They noticed, scanning through books, that 4 different whales use echolocation! Everyone got excited!  We just had to share how great it is to connect that more than 1 kind of whale communicates the same way!

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Raptor Visit

We had a wonderful, informative visit from the Chintimini Wildlife Center today. They shared a vulture, 2 owls, and a red-tailed hawk. The boys and girls were able to meet the birds, view various parts of a bird, and "pet" bird wings and feathers.

Raptor Visit