Friday, September 29, 2017

STEM in Room 4

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math =STEM
Room 4 explored tower building today. We had 2 materials, clothespins and tongue depressors! Small groups collaborated on design and configuration. This was our first day to explore. First graders are comfortable making their "own" tower. The big idea today was to "talk" to your group and "share" and "collaborate" on the best way to build the base of the tower. This will be an ongoing project, and I am excited to see how each group tried to solve the problem, "How can I build UP with these materials?" You are welcome to experiment at home!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Mural Art Project

Our PTO is supporting a new mural project. In the next 2 weeks room 4 will learn about color, painting, and mural art. Room 4 has our first class FRIDAY! Please dress your child in old clothes- we may get paint on them.

iPads in Room 4

Room 4 started iPad use this week. We are reviewing how to select the HMH reading app (over 500 books), swiping across the screen, choosing functions to enlarge or shrink pages from the menu bar, and returning to a site to make another choice. As we become more proficient- screen time will become a center choice for; reading e books, and specific math skills targeted on the iReady diagnostic test.


The devices are used daily. In addition, room 4 will continue to use the library Mac lab to stay familiar with a mouse.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Math Games!

First graders have been doing a mini-unit on color review. Today we rolled die to play a color math game. Teams of 2-4 students filled in a color bar graph to decide a winner. A great day in math!

Thunder Cake!

Wednesday Ridgeview experienced an enormous BOOOOOM! CRASSSSHHHH! We had a great amount of thunder. The noise shook the building and caused some excitement. The intermediate grades had to leave their recess and go indoors. In room 4 we read Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. We learned to start counting the seconds after you see a lightning flash, 1...2...3...4...5... and that is how many miles away the storm is! We don't need to be afraid, we can be happy knowing we have time to walk inside to wait out the storm. I reminded my students that Ms. Polacco is the little girl in the book, and her grandmother really did make her a "Thunder Cake"! Happy baking!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Homework Begins

First graders are starting homework this week. Rooms 4 and 5 are starting the first unit in our reading program. There are small, 1/4 sheets, of high frequency and vocabulary words to practice. You may keep these at home. Every week I will include paperback stories that go with the program, and later, additional books for practice. We are starting small. This week just words and stories to practice daily. PLEASE return the YELLOW folder, with BOOKS, back to room 4 THURSDAY.

This Friday (with your Weekly Report) I will be sending home a Reading Log.  You may begin filling it out over the weekend. They are due back on Thursday with the Yellow Homework folder!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Springfield School District TAG

This is a message from the Springfield School District TAG newsletter. Stephanie Lovdokken is our building TAG coordinator, and the district TAG coordinator. She can answer any questions you may have concerning TAG at Ridgeview.

District Wide TAG (Talented and Gifted) Testing ~ Springfield Public Schools
On Saturday, October 14, 2017, Springfield Public Schools will hold their district wide Spring  TAG Testing at Ridgeview Elementary School. The TAG test assesses whether or not your child is at the 97%ile or above in the areas of Reading, Math, or Intellectual giftedness. The 97%ile means that if your child was in a line of 100 students, they would know more than the first 97 students in line. These children are at the top of their class, and typically above most students at their entire grade level at school.  If you feel your child may fit into this category, please talk to your child’s teacher and your school’s TAG contact  to refer your child for the spring testing. After you refer them for testing, you will receive a packet from your school with a parent questionnaire and more information about times of testing for your individual child.
If your child is already qualified as TAG, and you feel that your child may need to be accelerated a grade level, you would also speak to your child’s teacher and the TAG contact to refer your child for acceleration. The testing for acceleration will take place Saturday, October 14, 2017, for the above grade level test in Reading, Math, Writing, Science, Reference & Research and/or Social Studies. After testing, we will meet as a team with your school to discuss the next steps and fill out the Iowa Acceleration Scale.
Questions?  Contact your child's teacher and the school TAG Contact

Ridgeview TAG Contact: Mrs.  Lovdokken

Phone Number: 744-6308

Ridgeview PTO

Ridgeview PTO General Meeting 
Thursday Sept. 14th
at 6:00 pm. 

Ridgeview parents volunteer their precious time to pop and distribute popcorn, fund-raise, prep materials, and work in our classrooms. In addition they support field trips, and reimburse or purchase classroom, playground, music, and library materials. Our school is a busy building, with kids, parents, and teachers doing our best every day. When you walk down our halls the rooms are focused on learning. Parents sign-in at the office, and freely walk about the building, in and out of rooms. They are a part of our school team. You frequently see adults working 1:1, and in small groups at tables in the halls. Our PTO is an active participant in our school culture. Please consider attending a meeting this fall and joining a great group of leaders. 

This year our popcorn parent volunteers are offering an opportunity to pay for popcorn 1x- $6.50 for the entire year. We sell a bag for .25 on popcorn Friday's. By paying ahead, you never have to worry about losing or forgetting that quarter! The PTO newsletter and popcorn order form came home Monday in backpacks. It is a great idea!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Our First Week!

Room 4 had a great first week in first grade. You can see by the silly hats and smiling faces we are making friends, and enjoying working together. 
"Oh the places you"ll go!"
Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Fantastic Room 4!

Room 4 is a fantastic class! First grade had indoor "Smokey Recess" today. We practiced what to do if it is raining outside and we can't go out. We learned how to choose a center. Today the 5 choices were;pattern blocks, snap blocks, building blocks, and enough Duplo's for 2 groups. We are hoping for cleaner skies soon. It was very hard to notice the play structures outside, but not get to play on them.Thank you to all parents for signing and returning snack notes and photo releases. Here we are!

***PLEASE add the Remind app to your phone. I message parents weekly.*** 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Meet the Teacher!

Meet the Teacher
Tuesday Sept. 5 

Welcome to room 4 boys and girls! We are going to have a great year in first grade. I look forward to meeting each of you. I will try to remember your name, please help me for a couple of days. You may find your desk, put your school box inside, and place all extra supplies in the hall. Parents please notice the 3 very important papers on your child's desk. If you could fill-out and sign these before leaving it would be helpful.

Ridgeview has a wonderful PTO serving ice cream. PLEASE bring your supplies to room 4 first.
Room 4 is a NUT FREE room, ALL FOOD must go through our health aide before entering our classroom. I really appreciate my families sharing sweet treats in the cafeteria. I am excited to see all my kiddos, new and old!
Important papers to sign and leave in my baskets.

 Room 4 is a NUT FRE room!                                    Locate your coat hook.

Cold lunch tote for your lunch.                         Select HOT or COLD lunch stick daily.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ridgeview First Grade Room 4 : Our First Day!

Ridgeview First Grade Room 4 : Our First Day!: Wednesday September 6th  is our first day in first grade. Doors open at 8:25. To ease your child's anxiety please discuss with your fir...