Ridgeview First Grade Room 4
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Friday, September 14, 2018
Health Alert
Ridgeview students are bringing home a health alert from school today. Please read both sides and KEEP for further reference as the season for colds and flu is just beginning.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
The Talented and Gifted program is an optional, referral program. Please read our current process for nominating students. First graders are discouraged from testing, as many fail the test due to length, anxiety, and/or lack of experience test taking.
District Wide TAG (Talented and Gifted) Testing ~ Springfield Public Schools
District Wide TAG (Talented and Gifted) Testing ~ Springfield Public Schools
On Saturday, October 13, 2018, Springfield Public Schools will hold their district wide Spring TAG Testing at Ridgeview Elementary School. The TAG test assesses whether or not your child is at the 97%ile or above in the areas of Reading, Math, or Intellectual giftedness. The 97%ile means that if your child was in a line of 100 students, they would know more than the first 97 students in line. These children are at the top of their class, and typically above most students at their entire grade level at school.
If you feel your child may fit into this category, please talk to your child’s teacher and your school’s TAG contact to begin the referral process for fall testing. After you refer them for testing, the teachers will gather data and fill out a referral form. They will share with you the data they have gathered and let you know whether your child meets the criteria to test for TAG. If they qualify for testing, you will receive a packet from your school with a parent questionnaire and more information about times of testing for your individual child. If they do not qualify, your child’s teacher will meet with you to discuss options to best meet the needs of your child.
If your child is already qualified as TAG in reading, math, and cognitive ability,, and you feel that your child may need to be accelerated a grade level, you would also speak to your child’s teacher and the TAG contact to refer your child for acceleration. If your child is not yet qualified in all three areas, please refer your child for testing. The testing for acceleration will take place Saturday, October 13, 2018, for the above grade level test in Reading, Math, Writing, Science, Reference & Research and/or Social Studies. After testing, we will meet as a team with your school to discuss the next steps and fill out the Iowa Acceleration Scale. At this point in time, a meeting will be called with the family to discuss the results and next steps.
Questions? Please call Stephanie Lovdokken, Ridgeview TAG Contact, at:
541-744-6308 (school) or 541-520-4012 (cell)
First graders write every day. We start our day with "100 Days of Writing". This is our journal for writing our special word of the day, drawing or telling about our weekend, or writing about something important happening at school or home.

First graders will be writing Narrative, Information, and Opinion stories this year. Writer's Workshop is a time during our day to write a little piece of a story. We have a "Red Writing Folder" to hold the pages we are working on. Some students write a story a week, some take longer. After writing a story we illustrate and color them. This week we are writing our first stories to use as our baseline writing. Boys and girls are enjoying the process of telling and sharing.
First graders will be writing Narrative, Information, and Opinion stories this year. Writer's Workshop is a time during our day to write a little piece of a story. We have a "Red Writing Folder" to hold the pages we are working on. Some students write a story a week, some take longer. After writing a story we illustrate and color them. This week we are writing our first stories to use as our baseline writing. Boys and girls are enjoying the process of telling and sharing.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Room 4 explored math manipulatives today. We learned how to set-up centers, take turns, share, cooperate, and collaborate in a group. Centers are used at the beginning, middle, or end of our math block. First graders may choose to use a particular math manipulative to solve/support story problems. They may use blocks/counters when solving +/- equations. As we begin our curriculum my students know they can rely on each other to learn side-by-side.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Pete the Cat
First graders love Pete the Cat. He is a book character that teaches it is OK to make mistakes. Today we were reminded Pete knows everybody messes up- so just try your best! If you fail be proud of your effort, and move on. Pete looks down on us every day to remind first graders room 4 is a safe place to try. Every day is a good day to start again!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Welcome First Graders!
Room 4 had a great day. We enjoyed music with Ms. Martin, colored, wrote, counted, and read. It was nice to meet new classmates and visit with old friends. We are off to a great start.
Saturday, September 1, 2018
Welcome to Room 4!
Welcome to Ridgeview First Graders!
"Meet Your Teacher"
Tuesday September 4th
4:00-5:30 pm

1. Find your child's desk. Please place their school box on top next to their name tag. I will fill these before morning. Please notice your child has an Information Packet that includes our Daily Schedule, their lunch procedure, and lunch number, Class Dojo communication app sign-up directions and a pink Class Snack Permission page. I cannot serve a snack until every parent has signed and returned this page.
2. Next, you will find a Permission to Use Photos for educational purposes. Note, I will not take or share a picture of your child if this page for permission is not granted. He/she will be excluded from any/all photos for the year. Please sign and place these pages in the baskets on the table. In addition you will find an opportunity to support room 4 snacks this year. I will send home a reminder with a specific list of snacks we may serve. We consider students with allergies when choosing/approving crackers. Room 4 uses parent volunteers weekly. You may sign-up at meet the teacher, or consider helping, and there will be a letter coming home soon offering a second chance to sign-up. Volunteers do not start until October. On the very first day many parents choose to bring and/or pick-up their first grader. First graders with a brother or sister, friend, or daycare provider (like Kids Club) may go on the bus or be picked up by someone other than their parent. To make their first day successful, please tell me how your child will be going home Sept. 5th, and every day after.
Finally, PLEASE place all supplies in the hall in bins and crates provided.
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